From the initial design drawings to the final form of furniture, every step is carefully thought out and carefully operated. Our factory not only has a strong custom wholesale capacity, but also is a leader in OEM/ODM services. We are well aware that each customer’s needs are unique, so whether it is the choice of style, material, or color and size matching, we are committed to realizing the customer’s personalized dream.
High quality is always the goal pursued by our factory. Whether it is the durability of pet furniture, or the safety and environmental protection of children’s furniture, we strictly follow the standards at home and abroad, and continue to surpass. The minimum order of MOQ50 not only ensures the efficiency of production, but also ensures that each product can get enough attention and careful creation.
With the rapid development of the market, our factory is also constantly exploring and moving forward. They keep pace with the times, introduce advanced production equipment and technology, train professional design and production teams, just to present better products and services to every customer. Our products are not only distributed in major cities in China, but also exported overseas, and have won the favor and trust of international customers.
Nowadays, when we walk into a warm family, see those pet beds full of personality and warmth, and the children’s fun space for children to play happily, we may not think that behind these beautiful moments is the silent dedication and persistence of nearly 400 employees in that factory. They are the craftsmen of this era, using the tools in their hands, writing stories about home and conveying the temperature of love.